Richard Kaner

  • Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Distinguished Professor of Materials Science & Engineering
  • UCLA

Professor Kaner is a Distinguished Professor in the Chemistry & Biochemistry department and the Materials Science & Engineering department. He has received awards from the Fulbright, Guggenheim, and Dreyfus Foundations and the American Chemical Society. Furthermore, Professor Kaner has been at UCLA for over 30 years and is among the most highly cited researchers in the world. The Kaner Lab studies superhard materials, battery technology, and conducting polymers with applications to clean energy and water purification.


  • Fun with Plastics

    Where do plastics come from? Which can be recycled? Can packing peanuts be recycled? How long are polymer chains? How many polymer chains are in a bowling ball? How are you supposed to open a ketchup package if it has no perforation marks? What is polyurethane foam used for and what is the largest polyurethane […]