Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni
- Louis B and Martha B Slichter Chair in the Geosciences
- https://epss.ucla.edu/people/faculty/912/
Dr. Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni is a geophysicist with interests in how the internal forces of the Earth shapes its surface. She completed her Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley in 1994. Integrating life and work, and understanding the importance to dynamics of Earth’s composition and structure, she has developed along with Prof. Stixrude, a fully self-consistent thermodynamic model to predict mantle properties. She currently holds the Louis B and Martha B Slichter Endowed Chair in the Geosciences, which has been endowed specifically to support and encourage diversity in the geosciences. She will answer questions in English and Spanish.
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Take a trip to the Center of the Earth with me! How hot is it? Could you go there? What’s it made of? How does it make mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes?
Sea Level: Past, Present and Future
An introductory view of sea level change in the past, today and in the future.