Supplies List 2020

Reminder: EYU 2020 is a virtual event!

UCLA campus is closed to the public due to COVID-19. But you can still have fun and do experiments at home!

Click here for a spreadsheet of household supplies that you can gather to participate in our hands-on, guided experiments. Experiments are grouped for easy viewing: fun for all, intermediate, and advanced. There’s something for every age group!

Tip: Use ctrl + f to search the list.

Click here to download a printable list of supplies for easy shopping!

EYU Supply List

Many items are supplies that are used by more than one booth or experiment

Fun For All

Archaeology at Home: Garbology! (1-hr session starts on the hour, join from the beginning) Supplies: Any items in your home • click here to download a printable worksheet for this experiment

Biodiversity of Bees: Paper, markers/colored pencils

Chemistry in the Kitchen – Oobleck Lab: Water, cornstarch, food coloring (optional), container (cup, bowl, etc.), spoon • click here to download a printable worksheet for this experiment

Electricity and Magnetism in Space: Strong bar magnet, Compass or 3D magnetic field sensor

Empower Diversity and Latinas in Geoscience: Clear jar, 2 cups of soil, 1/2 cup of rocks/pebbles, 5 cups of water, seeds of your choice

Exploring Different Water Masses in the Ocean: Food coloring, water, salt

How Old is That Rock? 4 legos of the same size but different colors

InterAxon – Let’s learn about Neurons! Pipe cleaners

Red Cross First Aid Basics: Napkins or paper towels, a long sleeved shirt or triangle bandage, cardboard, scissors, tape

Science and Our Society: Paper, pen or pencil

Soap Bubble Topology: Pencil, paper, bubble wand (or malleable wire), soap • click here to download a printable worksheet for this experiment

SPIN Lab (Fun with Fluids!) – rotation experiment: Large glass of water, food coloring

SPIN Lab (Fun with Fluids!) – surface tension experiment: Milk, dish soap, food coloring, small plate

Surface Tension, Density, & Luminescence Lab: Milk and Food Coloring: Whole milk, food coloring

Weather In a Jar – Fluid flow visualization: Clear jar, mica powder

Weather In a Jar – Raincloud: Clear jar, shaving cream, food coloring


Candy Boat Racers Lab: Aluminum foil, large bin/bowl/baking pan filled with water, straw (optional), candy or other small, weighted object

Chemistry in the Kitchen – Chromatography Lab: Coffee filters, water-based markers, water, cup, pencil, tape

Chemistry in the Kitchen – Colored Milk Lab: Milk, liquid hand soap, food coloring (optional), plate, Q-tips, coffee filter, paper

Chemistry in the Kitchen – Oobleck Lab: Water, cornstarch, food coloring (optional), container (cup, bowl, etc.), spoon • click here to download a printable worksheet for this experiment

Conservation Corner: Penny For Your Thoughts? Penny, salt, water

Elephant Toothpaste Lab – Cabbage pH Indicator: Purple Cabbage, water, baking soda, white vinegar

LAUNCHing into STEM – Straw Rocket Lab: Pencils, scissors, ruler, straw (reusable or plastic)

Let’s Make Waves – Introduction: long slinky or rope. For visualizing waves: your beautiful voice and one of the following phone apps: Android: Sound Analyzer – Audio Oscilloscope; iOS: Sound Oscilloscope. For resonant frequency: wine glass, water; For measuring speed of light: microwave, a microwave-safe plate, chocolate bar or slices of cheese. For interference: a pair of earphones, access to this website.

Nano: The Big Science of Small Stuff! For surface wetting: various fresh leaves (lettuce, kale, house plants, etc), water. For biopolymers: a diaper. For liquid crystals: a mood ring. For bubbles, butterflies, and structural color: bubble wand, soapy water

Surface Tension, Density, & Luminescence Lab – Borax Crystals: Borax, water, pipe cleaner, string, toothpick, tall glass, lid covering, food coloring

Surface Tension, Density, & Luminescence Lab – Lava Lamp: Food coloring, cooking oil, water, water bottles, Alka-Seltzer tablets

Surface Tension, Density, & Luminescence Lab – Quicksand: Play-doh, sand, food coloring, dish soap, cornstarch

The Wonder of Mineral-Making: Rock candy, 1 cup water, 2-3 cups sugar, clear glass jar, wooden skewer•

Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT): A latex balloon, few sheets of aluminum foil, digital scale, flexible tape measure, scissors

Weather in a Jar – Snowstorm: Baby oil, white paint, Alka-Seltzer tablets


Color, Optics, and Fluorescence – Clear or glass cups, markers, Swedish fish, pencil / skewers, pipe cleaners, soap, template found in worksheets; red and green laser pointer (if you don’t have a laser pointer, don’t worry – our videos do a good job at explaining the experiment!), cooking oil; red, blue and clear jello. Click here to download a printable worksheet to use with these experiments.

Elephant Toothpaste Lab – Elephant Toothpaste: Dry yeast, hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, food

SPIN Lab (Fun with Fluids!) – Convection Experiment: White miso soup powder, ice cubes, clear glass bottle with lid (i.e. mason jar), stove top (with supervision!)

Strawberry DNA Extraction Lab – 3-4 frozen strawberries or other fruit such as 1 banana, Ziploc/resealable bag, 3 tsp salt, 2/3 cup water, 2 tbsp dish washing soap, pre-chilled 70% rubbing alcohol (or high percent spirit), trainer/ sink basket strainer, 2 clear jars or glass, spoon, toothpick/skewer, small Baggies for DNA collection/small jar. Click here for a downloadable guide for parents, and click here for a downloadable worksheet for future scientists to use with this experiment.

Surface Tension, Density, & Luminescence Lab – Luminol Experiment (Must have adult supervision and appropriate PPE): 0.4g NaOH, 0.046g Luminol, 200 mL Water, 1mL bleach (NaClO)

Trash-cano: Volcanic Eruption in a Bin – ½ cup ketchup, ½ cup vinegar, ½ cup water, 2-3 tbsp baking soda, 1 empty 500 mL plastic water bottle, funnel or tin foil rolled into a funnel, container to place experiment in with a flat bottom, mixing cup, coffee stirrer or or chopstick to mix through water bottle hole

Why is Hawaii a Volcano? (Live experiment 2–3:00 p.m. PST): Clear tank (e.g., a tall, clear glass/plastic or rectangular vase), 1 bottle of Karo syrup, heating pad or stove top (with supervision!), 1 piece of tracing paper, flashlight, cellphone, food coloring (optional).